Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner
Næssi Weekly Planner Næssi Weekly Planner Næssi Weekly Planner Næssi Weekly Planner Næssi Weekly Planner Næssi Weekly Planner

Næssi Weekly Planner


Næssi Weekly Planner is a perpetual desk planner where you can find vertical spaces for individual daily tasks. Features 60 undated sheets made of  Shiro Echo 80 gr White by Favini paper.

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Brand Næssi
Color White
Edition Regular
Made in Italy
Paper Size A4
Diaries Layout Weekly
Ruling Type Planner
Paper Color White
Paper Weight 80 gsm
Number of Pages 60
Binding Glued
Height 210 mm
Width 297 mm

Næssi Weekly Planner is a redesign of an office classic, a project born from a design studio in Rome and proudly Made in Italy. A weekly and perpetual planner for desk where you can find vertical spaces for individual daily tasks and one large horizontal space for creating connections between ideas, things, people.

In creative projects time is seen as a source of anxiety and as a physical limit to ideas' natural development. At Næssi there is the concept that time is a geometric space in which to organize commitments but it’s also an organic fluid and circular space in which to identify unexpected connections, create transversal systems and encourage enterprising conceptual pathways.

This planner is dedicated to all people who want a peaceful and natural relationship with their time management.

Næssi Weekly Planner features 60 undated sheets measuring cm 29,7 x cm 21,0 bound by glue on the left, with edges painted in a fluorescent Næssi yellow. Paper: Shiro Echo 80 gr White by Favini (100% recycled fiber and FSC®️ certified).

This layout makes it suitable for use with clipboards.